Can's Can is proud to offer a wide range of programs to support our Southern Illinois Community. 100% of all donations / sales go towards programs such as -
Teacher Resource Center - Can's Can offers a free Teacher Resource Center. Located inside our HQ this location allows teachers, social workers, and other school personnel to come "shop" for classroom and student needs at no cost. To date we have served over 500 classrooms in 62 local school districts.
Foster Car Support System - We work through various social service agencies in our area. When a child is displaced/removed from their home - Can's Can will provide free beds, bedding, clothes, and more as needed.
Bicycle Giveaway - Each year Can's Can takes nominations from local teachers for our free bicycle giveaway.
Senior Citizen Meal Delivery Program - Established in March of 2020 Can's Can provides a twice weekly meal delivery service for the elderly, shut in, or disabled. This program also provides job training for a local special needs classroom.
Christmas Wish List - Each year we provide local senior citizens and students with a Christmas wish list that allows them to ask for whatever they'd like to get for the holiday season. We then deliver the gifts to help they have a great holiday season.
Sports Card Giveaway Program - To date we have donated over 4.5 million cards through programs such as our Book Report program, associations with local athletic programs, and schools.
Jack's Magic Mailbox - New to 2023, Jack's Magic Mailbox allows kids from all over the country to send in wish lists for sports cards and comic books and receive packages mailed to them at no cost. In Memory of our family friend Jack Stubblefield. For more information, click here.